DC Healthy School Meals Workshop and Exposition

SAVE THE DATE! On March 18, 2010 there will be mandatory workshop and exposition that will provide concrete examples, ideas, tools and resources for planning and serving more healthy, delicious and sustainable school meals.

The workshop is exclusively for school food authorities, food service management companies and vendors/caterers participating in the National School Lunch Program in Washington, DC.

The workshop is free. A delicious breakfast and lunch will be provided. Free raffles for kitchen equipment, restaurant gift certificates, and other items throughout the day!

The agenda includes a keynote address by Doug Davis from Burlington, VT Public Schools. A panel discussion will follow, with innovative school food service providers who have raised their satisfaction and participation rates by incorporating healthy, local foods into school meals on a budget - Allison Sosna from D.C. Central Kitchen, Andrea Early from Harrisonburg, VA Public Schools, Joshua Symonette from Cesar Chavez Public Charter Schools, and Trisha Nakano from E.W. Stokes Public Charter School.

Breakfast and lunch
will feature NSLP-approved healthy, delicious and cost-effective recipes that meet the Institute of Medicine's standards, prepared by Chef Oliver Friendly from Eat and Smile Foods. He'll also lead a cooking demonstration and provide recipe/cost information.

An exposition will feature local growers, organizations, distributors and vendors willing to help connect schools and vendors with cost-effective, healthy, local options.

This workshop is hosted by the DC Farm to School Network and the Office of the State Superintendent of Education. Partner organizations include D.C. Hunger Solutions, the Capital Area Food Bank, the National Farm to School Network, and others.